FREE Training Presented by Taylor Conroy

How To Land A TEDx Talk & Spread Your Message To Millions In As Little As 30 Days...Even If You've Never Spoken On Stage In Your Life

We've Helped Over 650+ Clients Land Talk On "The World's Biggest Stage." Here's How

Presented By Taylor Conroy

4x TEDx Speaker & Co-Founder @ Leadr

On This 57 Minute Training, You'll Learn...

  • How a 15 minute talk has the power to permanently change your life, your business, and the impact you leave on the world

  • The exact methodology that we've successfully used to help over 650+ clients land a talk on "The World's Biggest Stage" and spread their talks to tens of millions of people

  • See "inside the mind" of an event organizer to see EXACTLY what they are looking for when selecting speakers...and how to position yourself to get invited

  • Case studies of successful Leadr clients from all walks of life and backgrounds who have successfully implemented these strategies to land their OWN talks and change the trajectory of their lives, their businesses, and their legacy

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