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We help experts, authors, executives, and entrepreneurs land the most credible and authority-building stages in the world to spread their message and their impact.
It’s not just about your talk…it’s about what your talk will do for your life, your brand, and your business.
Brad’s TEDx Message Is Helping Businesses On A Global Scale
Co-founder, MicDrop
Already a successful entrepreneur, Eli wanted to share his struggles and lessons about the controversial issues of sex and porn addiction, however, he didn’t know how to consciously articulate it. We helped him through this process and to get clear on his idea and mission. His TEDx talk now has over 4 million views and has led to praise and a partnership with two-time NBA champion, Lamar Odon, as well as landing top podcasts and media.
Writer, Comedian, Activist
My TEDx Talk now has over 4 million views and has led to 250+ paid speaking gigs, being featured on The TODAY Show, and a six-figure book deal with the world’s largest publisher. This all happened because I just followed The Leadr system. I suggest you do the same.