Having a LinkedIn content strategy is necessary if your goal is growth. And if that is your goal, and you're of the business-minded professional type, there is no better place than LinkedIn to place your time. In the...
Leadr Blog
The best resources on the internet to build an audience, a brand, and a movement.
How to Make an Impact on the World & Change it for the Better
by Bella Rose Emmorey | May 30, 2024
Life can look bleak at times, especially if you spend too much time in one corner of the internet. Media likes to make us think everybody is evil and there's no good left in the world. While damaging, it does lead people—like you—to learn how to make an impact on the...
Leadership Mastermind: What Mastermind Groups Are & How to Find Them
by Angelica | May 9, 2024
If you've ever wondered how top leaders excel and stay ahead of the game, the concept of a leadership mastermind might intrigue you. Imagine being part of a select group of influential people where innovative ideas flow freely, and strategies for success are shared...
How to Start a Coaching Business in the Next 90 Days
by Bella Rose Emmorey | May 7, 2024
There's plenty of room in the market for more coaches. Contrary to what some are saying, learning how to start a coaching business can be extremely lucrative for reasons mentioned below. But you'll only make money at it if it's done a specific way. There are steps to...
How to Become a Motivational Speaker—That’s Not Cheesy & Derivative
by Bella Rose Emmorey | Apr 18, 2024
If you want to learn how to become a motivational speaker, but cringe at the idea of sounding just like every other motivational speaker, you're in the right place. There are only so many times you can get up in front of a crowd and take the Shia LaBeouf approach,...
How to Make a Media Kit That Draws Attention [Template]
by Bella Rose Emmorey | Apr 11, 2024
Do you really need to know how to make a media kit? The truth is that it depends. There are a lot of reasons someone would want to put together a collection of their platforms, skills, and expertises. But it also depends on your goal and what you want to do with your...
What is Thought Leadership Content? 9+ Steps for Virality
by Bella Rose Emmorey | Apr 9, 2024
There's a surge in a certain type of content. The kind that has many would-be influencers asking, "What is thought leadership content?" As with many similar phenomenon in the digital world, first appears the trend, then appears a method of naming that trend. In this...
Coaching for Speakers: Worth it or a Waste of Time?
by Bella Rose Emmorey | Mar 26, 2024
Do you need coaching for speakers? Is it necessary for you? These are the wrong questions to be asking. Let me pose this question for you instead: is there any skill, ability, craft, or pursuit in which someone reaches great levels by themselves? I'm not talking about...
22 Famous Public Speakers Throughout History & Today
by Angelica | Mar 12, 2024
What sets famous public speakers apart from the rest? To many of us, the ability to captivate an audience and deliver a powerful message is an elusive quality to possess. But as you explore the lives and achievements of these iconic speakers, you’ll discover how...
Boss Versus Leader: The Five Key Differences That Set Both Apart
by Sarah Rexford | Dec 15, 2022
Surprisingly, what determines a boss versus a leader does not come down to how much you impersonate either one. Read the five key differences!
What Is Personal Branding: 4 Ways To Leverage It To Become A Remarkable Leader
by Sarah Rexford | Dec 13, 2022
What is personal branding? How do you define it? Promote it? Here are 4 ways to leverage your brand and become a leader. Let’s get started!
How to Become A Digital Entrepreneur: Four Steps You Can Take Today
by Sarah Rexford | Dec 1, 2022
Digital entrepreneurship is quickly growing. Take these four steps to grow your digital entrepreneur business today!